Sample submission

The type and number of samples and way of transport is crucial for the success of proper laboratory result. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us, in advance to discuss the best cost-effective sampling and submission procedure that fits to your case.

Samples for serology
Serology is an indirect method, and in most cases ideal to detect an ongoing, chronic infection from an easily taken blood sample.

Samples for molecular biology methods
PCR and other molecular biology methods are fast and directly detect Mycoplasma from a wide-range of samples (tissue sample, clinical material, swab, FTA cards, etc.). These same samples are generally sufficient for the different genotyping examinations as well.

Samples for isolation
In case you like to order classical MIC testing or about to use the detected Mycoplasma for autovaccine production then you need to submit sample for isolation. For sample submission for isolation we can provide you our MolliScience sampling and transport kit which enables you to transport the sample to our laboratory under appropriate conditions.

Please always enclose the sample submission form to your sample.

If you send your sample from outside the EU please enclose our import permit to your package.